Dr. Ray L. Winstead
Professor of Biology (retired),
Indiana University of Pennsylvania

IUP Biology

"Do Not Despair, ICCAP Is Here!"
AI Song "Created" by Ray,
August 4, 2024

Indiana County Community Action Program

(Direct Link to mp4 File to Download.)

(YouTube link.)



Do not despair, ICCAP is here!

We’re lifting hearts, we’re drying tears,

From food to shelter, we meet the need,

ICCAP’s mission is to serve and lead!

 Verse 1:

In Indiana County, we stand strong,

Fighting poverty, we've battled long,

From food pantries to emergency aid,

In every challenge, we’ve got you made.


Do not despair, ICCAP is here!

We’re lifting hearts, we’re drying tears,

From food to shelter, we meet the need,

ICCAP’s mission is to serve and lead!

 Verse 2:

Senior food boxes, Power Packs for kids,

Helping hands in everything we did,

Rental assistance, a place to stay,

We light the path, we pave the way.


Do not despair, ICCAP is here!

We’re lifting hearts, we’re drying tears,

From food to shelter, we meet the need,

ICCAP’s mission is to serve and lead!


If you need help, or you can give,

Together in this community, we live,

Call seven two four, four six five, two six five seven,

ICCAP’s here, with hope and love, we’re driven!


Do not despair, ICCAP is here!

We’re lifting hearts, we’re drying tears,

From food to shelter, we meet the need,

ICCAP’s mission is to serve and lead!


Indiana County, we’re by your side,

With ICCAP's help, we’re filled with pride,

Empowering all, towards self-sufficiency,

Together we build a stronger community!


If you need help or if you can give help,

call Indiana County Community Action Program (ICCAP)

(724) 465-2657


This song was "created" by Ray Winstead by providing prompts to an Artificial Intelligence (AI) program. He holds the copyright for this AI generated song as the "creator" of the song and as a paid subscriber through the Suno AI company.

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Dr. Winstead's Current Local and World Standard Percentage Metric Time Clock

Blue Spruce Park Chickadees

Dr. Ray L. Winstead
rw ( at ) raywinstead ( dot ) com