The Church of St. Mary at Yapton
Yapton, England

The Home Church of My Ancestors

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Jacob, Dawn, Ray, and Daniel Winstead
May 28, 2024

1. Photos: Outside and Inside
(Our visit May 28, 2024)
Starting on this page below.

page 1  page 2  page 3  page 4

page 1  page 2

2. The Winstead-Church Connection
Direct-line Ancestors starting in 1500s

3. The Church


ClickTap any image for High Resolution


1. Photos: Outside and Inside

page 1  page 2  page 3  page 4

page 1  page 2

2. The Winstead-Church Connection
Direct-line Ancestors starting in 1500s

3. The Church



Dr. Winstead's Front Page

Dr. Ray L. Winstead
rw ( at ) raywinstead ( dot ) com