325 Weyandt Hall
Department of Biology
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15705
Professional Interests and Formal Education [ Publications ]
Field: Zoonotic diseases.
Past research has involved the incidence of epidemic typhus in flying squirrels; feeding behavior in certain Egyptian malaria vectors
(mosquitoes); interactions of intestinal nematodes of flying squirrels; ecto- and endoparasites of hyraxes in Zimbabwe, Africa; use of wildlife
serology to monitor the movements of Lyme disease in Pennsylvania; and toxoplasmosis infections in black bears. Currently, we are
concentrating in Pennsylvania on a regional survey for non-tick vectors of Lyme disease, studying eastern chipmunk as a reservoir for Lyme
disease, and continuing toxoplasmosis work in wildlife reservoirs (opossums, coyotes and crows; capyberas in South America; rodents in
Zimbabwe), and beginning to look at the role that white-tailed deer and elk play as reservoirs for Brucellosis in Pennsylvania.
B.S. - 1963 Ohio University
M.S. - 1965 Ohio University
Ph.D. - 1969 Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University